
A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that involves transforming the appearance of the abdomen to make it look firmer and flatter. Excess skin and fat are removed and, in some cases, weakened abdominal muscles are repaired.

When is abdominoplasty indicated?

Abdominoplasty is indicated in cases of excess abdominal skin, which may be due to weight loss, pregnancy or aging, and does not respond to diet or exercise.

It is also suitable for correcting diastasis of the abdominal muscles, which often occurs after pregnancy and can cause muscle weakness and a bulging appearance in the abdomen.

In addition, surgery is an option for people who struggle with persistent fat accumulation in the abdominal area, despite leading a healthy lifestyle. It is also considered in patients who have experienced massive weight loss, either through diet and exercise or bariatric surgery, and have significant excess skin that will not contract on its own.

In summary, what can be achieved with abdominoplasty is:

  • Reduce excess skin
  • Improve diastasis of the abdominal muscles
  • Stop the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region.

In all cases, the decision to undergo abdominoplasty should be made after a detailed evaluation with a surgeon.

What does abdominoplasty consist of?

Tummy tuck surgery is performed under general anesthesia and usually involves the following steps:

  1. Incision: an incision is made in the lower abdomen, usually just above the pubic area. The length of the incision varies according to the amount of skin to be removed.
  2. Excess skin and fat is removed from the abdominal area.
  3. Muscle repair: if necessary, abdominal muscles can be tightened or joined to improve firmness.
  4. Closure of the incision: the incision is closed with sutures and a bandage or compression garment is applied.

Doctors may recommend taking some medications a few days before the operation, as well as fasting and avoiding medication that may facilitate the formation of blood clots.

Abdominoplasty recovery

The results of abdominoplasty are usually visible immediately, although it is important to keep in mind that initial swelling and bruising may hide the final result for a few weeks.

Recovery varies according to the extent of the surgery, but generally involves a period of relative rest, followed by a gradual return to normal activities.

At the beginning, it is normal to see scars, but as the recovery progresses, the patient will see that the skin is firmer and more toned.

One of the most significant benefits of abdominoplasty is not physical, but mental, as it is the positive impact it can have on self-confidence.

How much does abdominoplasty cost?

The price of an abdominoplasty depends on multiple factors, so we can find amounts ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 euros.

It must be taken into account that this price includes the surgeon’s and anesthesiologist’s fees, the cost of the center where the surgery is performed, the surgical and recovery material, and the preoperative and postoperative consultations.

Alternatives to abdominoplasty

There are some alternatives if you want to avoid abdominoplasty, although the result will depend entirely on the situation of each person.

First, you can opt for liposuction, a procedure in which excess fat in the abdomen is removed through a small incision in the area.

If non-surgical treatments are preferred, radiofrequency, cavitation, some laser therapies and electroporation can achieve very good results in a few sessions. However, they are devices that work in cases of mild fat accumulation and are also indicated to tighten the skin.

Commitment to quality

This text on abdominoplasty has been prepared by professional editors. In addition, we have relied on experts in medicine, engineering and aesthetics as a source of information, as well as specific studies to maintain the quality of what we publish.

At Sisneo Bioscience we are committed to publish truthful and contrasted information. And to update or correct it as soon as new knowledge becomes available.

Among others, we have used the following sources:

  • Mercedes-Acosta, S., Fragoso-Báez, A., Sabala, R., Matos, D., & Medina, T.. (2013). «Estudio de los trastornos postabdominoplastia de la sensibilidad cutánea superficial» en Cirugía Plástica Ibero-Latinoamericana, 39(3), 219-224. https://dx.doi.org/10.4321/S0376-78922013000300002
  • Klinger M, Klinger F, Giannasi S, Bandi V, Vinci V, Catania B, Lisa A, Veronesi A, Battistini A, Giaccone M, Caviggioli F, Maione L. «Aesthetic and Functional Abdominoplasty: Anatomical and Clinical Classification based on a 12-year Retrospective Study» en Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021 Dec 20;9(12):e3936. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000003936.