
What is lifting?

A lifting is a type of surgical treatment that consists of correcting the position of the skin that has sagged with the passage of time.

The medical term for lifting is rhytidectomy and comes from the Greek. Its meaning is wrinkle cut.

The areas of the body where this procedure is most commonly performed are the forehead and neck. It is common in women over 50 years old, in which the sagging of the facial skin is evident.

This is a complex procedure that requires sedation and local anesthesia. However, it has no side effects and the results are very natural. A study must first be carried out to determine the suitability of the procedure.

How is the lifting done?

In the operating room, the surgeon needs to make an incision in the scalp line (so that the scar is not visible) in order to work, removing excess tissue and tighten the muscles of the face.

The most frequent working areas are the face and neck, from the cheekbones to the ears and the forehead and between the eyebrows.

This procedure requires an overnight stay in the hospital. Normally, a drainage system is installed to prevent the accumulation of blood.

The following days, the skin is usually swollen and some pain may be noticed. The drainage is removed the day after the operation and the bandages depending on the evolution of each patient.

After about three weeks, normal life can be carried out, without marks or inflammation in the treated area.

Lifting effect

Non-invasive treatments that remove excess skin and tighten muscles to improve your appearance, eliminating wrinkles and expression lines are called lifting effect. It is also called a non-surgical lifting.

Some techniques that cause this lifting effect are ultrasound, radiofrequency and laser.

The Revicell Pro radiofrequency equipment is able, thanks to its 3DLayer RF technology, to guarantee a painless lifting effect. Radiofrequency stimulates collagen and elastin, reducing skin flaccidity.

Another option with lifting effect is electroporation, since with an ultra-concentrated formulation it is able to reach the deepest layers of the skin.

Tightening threads, botox and facial fillers such as hyaluronic acid, which has a volumizing effect, and others that stimulate collagen production can also be used.

These non-invasive treatments must be repeated several times a year, as their effect is not as long lasting. However, the price is much lower.

Commitment to quality

This text on facelift has been written by professional editors and reviewed by Sisneo’s medical-aesthetic team. In addition, we have relied on experts in medicine, engineering and aesthetics as a source of information, as well as specific studies to maintain the quality of what we publish.

At Sisneo Bioscience we are committed to publish truthful and contrasted information. And to update or correct it as soon as new knowledge becomes available.

Among others, we have used the following references:

  • Shridharani SM, Magarakis M, Manson PN, et al. «The impact of aging on facial shape: Considerations for facial rejuvenation» en Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2013;33(3):342-352.
  • Akhtar S, Shaikh F. «Lifting the face without a lift: Minimally invasive mid-face and lower-face rejuvenation» en Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. 2016;9(4):239-245.