What is vitamin C?
Vitamin C is one of the most important organic elements in human beings. It is a nutrient used for the synthesis of carnitine and collagen.
It is essential for the growth and maintenance in good condition of tissues, ligaments and tendons, as well as to regenerate the skin after an injury.
Since the body is unable to produce vitamin C, to obtain it we must resort to certain foods, artificial forms and even topically.
It is a very delicate element, since its deterioration is caused by high temperatures and sun exposure. For this reason, the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C is recommended.
Ascorbic acid
Vitamin C is the enantiomer of ascorbic acid. Its molecular formula is C6H8O6.
Its name comes from the Latin scorbuticus, because it has the ability to prevent scurvy.
Benefits of vitamin C for the skin
In the skin, the vitamin is a natural antioxidant, it defends us from free radicals, promotes collagen synthesis, thus slowing oxidative stress and, therefore, premature aging.
In addition, it stimulates the production of collagen:
- Vitamin C is a depigmenting agent. It acts on the enzyme responsible for the formation of melanin and prevents blemishes.
- Improves skin radiance.
- Evens skin tone thanks to cellular regeneration.
- It slows down skin aging and oxidation.
Foods with vitamin C
We know that oranges are rich in vitamin C. However, it is not the fruit or food with the highest concentration of this nutrient.
Strawberries, papaya, persimmon, brussels sprouts, broccoli, grapes and kiwi have the most vitamin C.
Also parsley, red bell pepper and guava. Although the concentrations of all these foods are far behind camu-camu (Peru) and the kakadu plum from Australia.
Mango, spinach, mandarin oranges, raspberries, grapefruit, pineapple, cauliflower, melon and lemon also have high vitamin C concentrations.
Commitment to quality
This text on vitamin C has been prepared by professional editors. In addition, we have relied on experts in medicine, engineering and aesthetics as a source of information, as well as specific studies to maintain the quality of what we publish.
At Sisneo Bioscience we are committed to publish truthful and contrasted information. And to update or correct it as soon as new knowledge becomes available.
Among others, we have used the following references:
- San Mauro-Martín, Ismael, & Garicano-Vilar, Elena. (2015). «Papel de la vitamina C y los β-glucanos sobre el sistema inmunitario: revisión» en Revista Española de Nutrición Humana y Dietética, 19(4), 238-245. doi:/10.14306/renhyd.19.4.173
- Carr AC, Frei B. «Toward a new recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans» en Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 Jun;69(6):1086-107. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/69.6.1086.