Radiofrequency is the shortest way to achieve a really flat abdomen. But, like everything in the world of aesthetic medicine, it is not a miracle and does not work for everyone.
Radiofrequency is a technology included in the group of aesthetic treatments by means of devices. It is based on the application of electromagnetic radiation, which produces heat and provokes a series of reactions that ultimately result in the stimulation of collagen. As you may already know, collagen is the key protein in the support of connective tissue.
What radiofrequency does on the abdomen
Applied to the abdomen, radiofrequency allows us to transfer the benefits of this treatment to an area that worries almost everyone, precisely because of the difficulty to control it.
It is common for both men and women to accumulate fat in the abdomen and it can be very difficult to eliminate it completely, even with diet and exercise.
Abdominal radiofrequency enhances, in a non-invasive way, the improvement of the firmness of a skin that is usually exposed to constant changes, for example due to weight changes or pregnancy in women. Age and gravity also do their job.
Through the heat generated in the abdomen with radiofrequency and the subsequent production of collagen, aesthetic changes are enhanced in both men and women.
Benefits of abdominal radiofrequency
After the application of abdominal radiofrequency, our body will be affected by immediate and progressive changes, which will vary depending on the creation of new collagen and elastin.
- The production of these proteins will regenerate the subcutaneous tissue, giving it better tone and firmness. The skin will look younger.
- In addition, the heat helps stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation in the body, leading to a reduction in abdominal volume.
- On the one hand, it improves blood flow, so we will notice improvements if we have cellulite.
- And, on the other hand, through the lymph we eliminate toxins that are eliminated naturally.
In view of the effects produced in the abdomen by radiofrequency, it is convenient to recover the elasticity of the skin, when it has become flaccid, for example after pregnancy or after a sudden change in weight. The skin also becomes flaccid, due to lack of muscle tone, when no exercise is performed.
It is an ideal treatment for those cases in which, despite the exercise of good nutrition, a flat stomach is not achieved, either by genetics or natural conditions.
How many sessions are needed in the abdomen?
There is no set number of sessions after which the results of abdominal radiofrequency treatment can be seen. However, usually only a couple of sessions are necessary to start noticing the effects. In any case, it will depend on the individual and the type of treatment.
A total of 10 sessions are usually performed to complete the treatment. And, depending on each case, it may be necessary to apply maintenance sessions a few months later.
For whom is it indicated?
As mentioned above, abdominal radiofrequency does not have an exclusive user prototype. Anyone can undergo this treatment. However, it is a treatment that aims to reduce the volume and improve the skin. It is not a slimming treatment, so it is not advisable to use it on heavier people, simply because it will not help.
In both men and women, it will serve to firm the skin and, especially in men, it will help atonify the abdominal muscles if they are worked.
What to do after abdominal radiofrequency
Abdominal radiofrequency does not have excessive contraindications. It is not recommended for people with pacemakers, metallic prostheses, heart valves, tattoos with metals in the pigments, pregnant women, cancer or with immunosuppressants.
Apart from these cases, as this is a non-invasive technique, only some redness may be seen in the treated area, which will disappear after a few minutes.
As an accompaniment to the treatment, it is advisable to perform regular physical exercise and follow a healthy diet. This, which seems obvious, is one of the main reasons for the success of radiofrequency.
In addition to the abdomen, radiofrequency can also be used on other parts of the body, such as the thighs, buttocks, arms, face, neck and breasts.