Asian pennywort

What is Asian pennywort?

Asian pennywort, also called Gotu Kola, is a plant that grows in Central Asia, although it can also be found in Central America, Africa and South America. It usually grows in tropical and subtropical regions.

It has healing and repairing properties of the dermal matrix by activating fibroblasts, along with moisturizing, antioxidant and soothing properties, and improves blood circulation.

Gotu Kola plant

It is an evergreen plant, usually reaching 20 meters in height. Research has determined that in order to develop its full chemical potential, the plant needs a high level of environmental stress.

Its use as a medicine dates back more than 3000 years. It has been and continues to be used for the treatment of wounds, leprous lesions, eczema, as an analgesic and antiviral.

What is Asian pennywort used for?

In 1852 the first scientific evidence of the use of Asian pennywort for the cure of leprosy was noted. Currently, the main pharmaceutical companies use components of it.

It is mainly used as a healing, regenerating and repairing agent for the skin. It is also antifungal, anti-ulcer and venotonic.

Asian pennywort in cosmetics

Asian pennywort is used in cosmetics because it activates the production of fibroblasts, which helps in the fight against aging and stretch marks.

Asian pennywort also contains vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B, niacin and carotene. These are all antioxidant actives that activate collagen production.

Apart from its use in cosmetics, it can also be applied in powder, capsules and tea. In each case, with different objectives, such as improved healing, disease or venous insufficiency.

The WHO Monograph notes that the effectiveness of Centella asiatica may derive from the positive interaction between various constituents, including triterpenes. Laboratory studies have shown that each of these compounds has the ability to stimulate fibroblast activation and the synthesis of collagen type I and III, essential processes in wound healing and subsequent epithelialization.

Some of the products in the Mesoactives line that include Asian pennywort are Skin Firming, indicated as a body firming agent, and Mesolift, aimed at facial tightening and renewal.

Commitment to quality

This text on Centella asiatica has been prepared by professional editors. In addition, we have relied on experts in medicine, engineering and aesthetics as a source of information, as well as specific studies to maintain the quality of what we publish.

At Sisneo Bioscience we are committed to publish truthful and contrasted information. And to update or correct it as soon as new knowledge becomes available.

Among others, we have used the following references:

  • M. José Alonso. «Centella asiática. Una planta con historia e interesantes propiedades» en Offarm. Vol. 28. Núm. 5. 98-104.
  • Bylka W, Znajdek-Awiżeń P, Studzińska-Sroka E, Brzezińska M. «Centella asiatica in cosmetology» en Postepy Dermatol Alergol. 2013 Feb;30(1):46-9. doi: 10.5114/pdia.2013.33378. Epub 2013 Feb 20.